So, Beer Diary II is dead — or at least about to embark on its mostly-bookshelved (but never abandoned) retirement — long live Beer Diary III. I’m in Sydney for a few more days, having one of those holidays1 wherein you stop wearing your watch, stop wearing even shoes, and swiftly lose track of what day it is. Procrastinating somewhat from a “Sydney Reading” post (to which I’ll return tomorrow), I realised that I’d (again) gotten way behind in transcribing my scribbled notes into the “real” (but only slightly less scribbly) Diary, and so spent a few minutes catching-up, only to discover that I’ve filled it up. Luckily, Em found the supercute blue one pictured above on her European holiday, and it’s ready to take over.
Diary II started on 6 September 2010 with Yeastie Boys ‘Her Majesty’ 2010 and ended, damn near bang on three years later with the adorably-mad Yeastie Boys / Firestone Walker / Panhead collaboration ‘Engelbert Pumpernickel’ as its two-hundred-and-seventy-seventh entry — which means I’m having a beer-related moment2 worth scribbling about every four days, on average; a steady (but not unhealthy) acceleration from the first Diary.
This is my Beer Diary;3 it really does exist primarily as an actual diary. Thanks for joining me.
1: i.e., a really good one. ↑
2: As may already be obvious: an “entry” isn’t necessarily a ‘unique’ never-had-before beer, nor is it necessarily a single beer; it’s pretty-much as all-over-the-place and random as a personal notebook should be. ↑
3: And yes, I’m shamelessly borrowing the ‘Station identification’ trope from Warren Ellis. ↑
What a delightful privilege to have our beers book end (or, to borrow a more appropriate musical term, “intro” and “outro”) your latest beer diary…
And, recently, to have finally met Emma!