An interesting contrast against their ‘Jaipur’ IPA (and a worthy thing in itself), ‘Halcyon’ is a fresh-hopped IPA of higher strength but lighter body than usual.
Its Best Before date had been set quite conservatively, to encourage people to drink up and enjoy it while that madly-fresh hoppy aroma was still good to go. With ‘proper beer’, it has to be said that Best Before dates become a bit of a joke — well-made beers, especially bottle conditioned ones don’t really go bad in the way that the relevant regulations seem to expect. Hop notes will fade over time, though, so these brews really are best enjoyed sooner rather than later. Save your Delayed Gratification energies for the malty ones.

Verbatim: Thornbridge ‘Halcyon’ Green-Hopped IPA ’09 5/10/10 7.7% 500ml ÷ 2 w/ Amanda, who was shouted it at work. We’re flogging them like crazy since their official Best Before is fast approaching, but we all know what nonsense those things are. Lovely hazy pale golden straw with peachy highlights. So fruity and lush, even this far away from its Harvest season.