
This is extremely out of date; my apologies.

I’ve had the good fortune to be invited to give a few presentations and make the occasional appearance in the media. It’s always proven terrific fun; drop me a line — here, or via Twitter or Facebook — if there’s an event or festival or whatnot at which you might like to see my rambling self. For tastings, rather than talks, I regularly work with Craft Beer College, and we can put together bespoke sessions for private groups in addition to the regular series we run through the year.

My notes for such things have often also wound up transmogrified into posts on here:

  • A Session Beer Session — seminar given at the Great Kiwi Beer Festival 2015 in Christchurch; previewed here, and with a full write-up pending…
  • How To Buy A Beer — originally an interview with The Wireless (the youth-focussed online arm of Radio New Zealand) and then elaborated-upon at the Great Kiwi Beer Festival 2014.
  • Get More From Your Beer — a consumer guide / manifesto for drinking with your brain engaged first presented at Beervana 2012 and then the Great Kiwi Beer Festival 2013.

Have at it:

Tastings and ramblings and whatnot