The Beer Diary Podcast is us — Phil Cook (him that blogs his tastings and ramblings and whatnot right here) and George Langlands (he who bought the original Diary and started all this) — talking about beer, its various happenings and history. Based in Wellington, New Zealand, our conversations do skew towards the local craft beer scene, but also ramble their way around the world and into more-or-less related issues. The aim is always to be unashamedly geeky in our enthusiasm, but not in the sense that we get too mired in the technicalities; if we’re doing things right, each episode should be accessible, whatever your prior beer knowledge. Now into our fourth season, we’ve had the pleasure of being joined by some excellent guests and taking the show ‘on the road’ to various places.
You can join in the conversation in the comments on any show’s own post, or via Twitter through the show’s own account or by tagging George and/or myself, via the Beer Diary Facebook page, or privately (if need be) using this site’s Contact Form. We welcome suggestions for future topics, interviewees, and Beer(s) of the Week.
Subscriptions, for convenient updates: Podcast Reader RSS, iTunes
Next recording:
- TBD. Any suggestions for topics and/or guests? Let us know!
Past episodes:
Season five — July 2015 – onwards:
- s05e05: Crowd, Fun, Ding
- s05e04: Garage Project @ 91 Aro Street (coming soon)
- s05e03: Beth Brash, Beervana Manager (coming soon)
- s05e02: Dave Wood & Denise Garland
- s05e01: ‘3G Coverage’ ― Garage Project, GABS, and Gastrophysics
Season four — July 2014 – May 2015:
- s04e08: 2014 Year in Review, with special guests
- s04e05 & s04e06: Live from Beervana 2014!
- s04e03 & s04e04: Women & Beer — a very special two-part takeover
- s04e02: Dry July
- s04e01: Friend Of The Show
Season three — April 2013 – April 2014:
- s03e09: 2013 Year in Review
- s03e08: What We Did On Our Holidays
- s03e07: Jono Galuszka (plus a bonus brief Moa Update)
- s03e06: Stu McKinlay, Yeastie Boy
- s03e05: Licensing wrangles and Beervana afterthoughts
- s03e04: The (postponed) pre-Beervana hostful
- s03e03: Beer Names (and Festivals, again) with Hadyn Green
- s03e02: Baylands Brewery
- s03e01: A Very Good Friday
Season two — May 2012 – March 2013:
- s02e09: 2012 Year in Review
- s02e08: Emerson’s acquired by Lion
- s02e07: Wellington in a Pint & Beervana 2012
- s02e06: Craft Beer College
- s02e05: West Coast IPA Challenge and Matariki dispatches
- s02e04: Reintroduction / Recap
- s02e03: Jo Wood (Liberty Brewing) and Mike Neilsen (Tuatara)
- s02e02: Australia
- s02e01: Collaboration
Season one — May 2011 – March 2012:
- s01e09: 2011 Year in Review
- s01e08: Strong Beer
- s01e07: At the Masons Arms with Kieran Haslett-Moore
- s01e06: Beer Awards and Festivals
- s01e05: The Garage Project
- s01e04: Midstrength Beers
- s01e03: Winter Beers
- s01e02: Beer Marketing
- s01e01: Grey Market Imports
Other appearances:
- Ale Of A Time podcast ’sode 12: Live from GABS.
- The Wireless, Jan. 2014: How To Buy A Beer (mentioned here, also)
- Radio Brews News, Sept. 2012: As one of ‘The Threesome’ (of guests)