A keg of this arrived at work, so I gave it another go, and was grateful I did. It will taste a little different off tap, of course — but my last try of it was also after a long day of dark beers; not the best sampling conditions. It’s fresher and less blunt than I remember, but still very much drier and punchier than the traditional after-work Tuatara Pilsner. That said, I still find it nicely smooth and refreshing.
Verbatim: Three Boys Pils. 17/1/09 $9 at work 425ml 5.5%. On tap, briefly. And I’m liking it a whole lot better. Fresher, less blunt Steinlagery nose to it. Very much drier than a Tuatara, but still smooth + refreshing.

Afterthoughts, November 2010: And herein lies a good lesson about tasting beers; try not to do too many at once, and pay a lot of attention to what you’ve just been having before you had the thing you’re trying. These cross-pint effects are huge, with beer, I find.
Which makes for another reason why a proper Beer Nerd will take ages to answer the usual “What’s your favourite beer?” question, if they answer it at all, rather than simply objecting to its terms. Favourite for what? For when? When I’m drinking what else? When I’m eating what? When the weather is how? If I’m planning on having how many? Be very suspicious of anyone with a predictable, perennial pint; they’re probably not a Proper Nerd.