I do love the Little Creatures, and heard, not long after I moved out of Melbourne and back to Wellington, that they’d opened their own bar in Fitzroy. Which elicted some complex emotions: joy, that they were expanding and obviously still doing well; sadness, that they hadn’t managed it while I lived there; and wanderlust, because I was dead keen to visit a.s.a.p..
I didn’t have a lot of time to hang out there on this trip, but I poked my nose in, had a wander around and took a few pictures. And instantly fell in love. Happily, I was able to have myself a longer stay on my next visit, about six months later.
Definitely one my highlights in the trip to AIBA in May. A great day, wandering around in autumnal sun from Brunswick to Fitzroy, where I lingered in Little Creatures for a while.
The Pale Ale, a favourite of mine, wasn’t at its best that day but the Pilsner was very good and Rogers was worthy of 3 pints… the pizzas really hit the spot. I was impressed with the selection of beers from outside the LC range and the crowd varied from groups in their late teens, to shopping families on a lunch stop, through to transvestites (and a few of the Wellington beer community).
A teleporter would be a fine thing,